
Experience Storforsen

Det självklara utflyktsmålet i kommunen, kan upplevas hur många gånger som helst och är lika majestätisk varje gång! Storforsens naturkrafter lämnar ingen oberörd.

The obvious destination in the municipality, Storforsen can be visited countless times and remains equally majestic each time! The natural forces of Storforsen leave no one untouched. Älvsbyn Municipality is characterized by hundreds of lakes and watercourses. The largest and most powerful is the 410-kilometer-long Pite River, which winds its way through the municipality like an artery. The Källsjö Lakes are located in the Sulitelma Massif near the Norwegian border. In Bredsel, the river offers Storforsen, Europe’s largest free-flowing rapids with a total drop height of 82 meters. Surrounded by primeval forest teeming with rich flora and fauna, Storforsen captivates and fascinates visitors year-round.

The average water flow is 250 cubic meters per second, and Storforsen never freezes despite temperatures dropping to minus 40 degrees Celsius in winter. The forces here are so strong that not even King Bore can conquer them.

Photo: Sara Lindström

Here, you can follow the foaming waters along kilometers of trails and viewing ramps, getting thrillingly close to the swirling currents. Adjacent to the rapids is an easily accessible nature reserve offering a unique environment. In addition to the rapids themselves, the reserve encompasses “Döda fallet” (The Dead Fall), giant potholes, ravines, and lagoons with rare plants. Taking a dip in one of the lagoons is popular on warm summer days.

There are also accessibility-friendly ramps, a souvenir shop, rest areas, shelters, trails for trail running, hiking, and mountain biking, a forestry and log driving museum, a natural stage where events are mainly held in summer, and during the summer season, a café in the Coffee Cabin.

Photo: Sara Lindström

Getting Here
Storforsen is located approximately 40 kilometers north of Älvsbyn and about 6 kilometers from Vidsel. During the summer, you can take bus 242, which operates weekdays from Älvsbyn to Storforsen. If you’re traveling by car, there is ample parking at the nature reserve, and there is also a boardwalk bridge all the way from Hotel Storforsen up along the rapids.
